Homosexual relations and the Bible


An extensive examination of pro-homosexual interpretations of the Bible, by the grace of God. This is the sectioned series; for the entire documentary (the most recent version) as one web page, see here. For a PDF download of the complete document (57 pages), right click here and save.

The interpretive conflict regarding homosexuality and the Bible is a relatively recent phenomenon, between two fundamentally different positions and interpretive foundations. Historical/traditional scholarship evidences that the Bible contains laws which prohibit homosex (same gender sexual relations; also referred to as homoeroticism or homogenital relations), and which are as universal and immutable as laws against illicit heterosexual partners are shown to be (or even more so), as belonging in the same class. In addition, the necessary positive sanction of marriage, which is provided explicitly for opposite gender sexual unions, is nowhere established for homosexual unions.

Pro-homosex polemicists have responded to this problem by asserting all the injunctions against homosex are culture or contextually bound or for other reasons cannot not universally apply today, and or that the Bible is not wholly inspired of God and provides no transcendent universal sexual ethic. In addition, advocates of homosexual relations often propose or assert that homoeroticism and even same-sex marriage can be seen in many close relationships between persons in the Bible.

Those within the former camp see the attempts by pro-homosex polemicists as unwarranted, "revolutionary and revisionist", (James B. De Young, Homosexuality p. 135) with homosexual misinterpretations being a manifestation of the efforts made from the beginning (Gn. 3:1-5) to both negate what God has commanded in the Bible, as well as to otherwise drastically misconstrue Biblical meanings, often by sophisticated forms of sophistry. Those within the latter camp often charge the former with ignorance, and or being motivated by homophobia. (Richard Hasbany, Homosexuality and Religion)

Note: This article deals with the phenomenon of pro-homosex polemics (arguments) in the light of traditional/historical Biblical exegesis, that of the explanation of a text, based upon principals of hermeneutics, (see "A Guide To Basic Bible Interpretation By Darryl M. Erkel), that of rules of interpretation. It is fairly abundantly referenced, and it should go without saying that referencing sources does not necessarily infer my agreement with such, and indeed, on the liberal side they are only provided simply for reference and not otherwise, as they work to deceive. It also should be stated that while my "sexual orientation" is most definitely toward the opposite gender, this is not written out of any personal animosity toward homosexuals, much less fear of them, rather this work is written out of esteem for the truth of the Bible, as well as for the holiness it calls and enables. Although those who manifestly manipulate the Bible move me to contend for the faith, I have compassion on those who are deceived into supposing that the Bible allows liberty for a sin, of which there are many, in heart and in flesh, as I myself have been sadly fooled by the "deceitfulness of sin", (Heb. 3:13) even as a Christian. May this web page work salvation and sanctification, and may I grow in the latter, to the glory of God. Amen

Table of Contents

Part 1

  • Terms

  • Sexual morality in the Bible

  • Interpretive Foundations

  • Principal Sources

Part 5

  • Sex Laws versus Slavery

  • Silence of Jesus Argument and Love Hermeneutic

Part 2

  • Genesis: the Unique Union of Man and Women

  • 1 Corinthians 11

  • Celibacy, Polygamy, and Procreation

  • Eunuchs and Exegesis

  • Proclivity and Permission Polemic (Social Justice) Summary

Part 6

  • Romans 1

  • 1Corinthians 6:9 and

  • 1 Timothy 1:10

Part 7

False postulations or assertions of approved homosex:

  • Ruth and Naomi

  • David and Jonathan

  • Daniel and Ashpenaz

  • 1 and 2 Kings

  • Jesus, the centurion and his servant

  • Jesus and John

  • Was Paul gay?

Part 3

  • Genesis 19

  • Judges 19

  • Jude 1:7

  • Ezekiel 16:49 and Inhospitality Texts

  • Extra Biblical historical sources

Part 4

  • Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13

  • Leviticus Summation



Only Jesus save sinners (and all have sinned)

There is a God, your Creator, who has created you to know Him and who has given us both good things and good laws. Yet "All have sinned" (Rm. 3:23), breaking His good laws and misusing the good things which He has given us for our benefit.

Sin has separated you from God, the Source of Life, resulting in Spiritual Death (Gen. 2:17; Eph. 2:1). Man tries to satisfy the emptiness in his soul by making created things or persons his god. Whether it be the "lust of the flesh" [sensual pleasure], "the lust of the eyes" [possessions] or "the pride of life" [prestige or power] (1 Jn. 2:16), it is all a vain and sinful attempt to find security and fulfillment apart from the True and Living God. Neither can we justify sinful choices by saying "I was born that way."

You were created to be able to enjoy God in Heaven, but nothing sinful will be, or should be, allowed into Heaven (Is. 59:1, 2; Rv. 21:27), If you die in your sins you will not rejoice in Heaven, but will end up in a place that is just the opposite of Heaven, a real place called the Lake of Fire (Mt. 25:41 ; Rev. 20:15; 21:8).

The Only Way you can have your sins forgiven and know God is through the Lord JESUS CHRIST, whom the Father sent to save you (Acts 4:12; 10:43; 13:39; 1Jn. 4:10, 14).

It is this JESUS, the Son of God, who came down from Heaven to live a completely sinless and perfect life, revealing God's grace, truth, love and righteousness,.. Yet after doing everything "right," it is He who took responsibility for all we have done wrong, paying for our sins with His own sinless blood on the cross of His death. Having done all, it is this JESUS who rose from the dead to Heaven as Savior and Judge (Act 10:39-43). God now calls you to turn to Him from sin and receive His Son, Whom He "hath made both Lord and Christ". ( Act 2:36-47; 13:16-41).

What you do with Jesus, "God manifest in the flesh," reveals what you ultimately love and where you will spend ETERNITY. If you die without Christ - if you have not turned to God from sin and cast all your faith upon the Risen Lord Jesus to save you, and had all your sins washed away by His precious blood - then you must face the just punishment which your sins require.

I pray that instead of sin and a sure Hell you will choose Christ and His Life today! Humble yourself as a sinner before God, decide you want Jesus instead of sin and honestly call upon Him to save you. Then be baptized and follow Him. Those who have truly received Christ are made spiritually alive (born again) by the Spirit of God and want to serve Him (despite persecutions). Praise the Lord!

Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and for ever. Amen"(Jude 21-25). Praise the Lord. TOC^


This page is an extended and modified version of my edits of a Conservapedia article, and as such should be considered subject, in part, to its licensing.


Email: saved2serve@gmail.com

Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless HIS holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all HIS benefits (Ps. 103:1, 2).

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